Bringing Books and Stories for Everyone

Welcome to the Community Resources page. Part of the Bookmobile’s mission is to build community connections and provide access to information and resources. On this page, you will find links to the websites of local organizations, programs, and centers. These places work hard to help the members of our community lead happy and healthy lives. However, these links are not the end. If you need help reaching these organizations or getting information about their services, please call the Bookmobile office or send an email to any member of the team.

A good place to start if you need help and you don’t know who to ask is to call 2-1-1, or check their website, (look for the “community resources directory” link). They keep a pretty comprehensive and up-to-date list of where to get help and how. This link takes you straight to their 25 most-requested service links:

National Suicide Prevention Lifeline: 800-273-TALK (8255)

24 hour crisis number: (802) 524-6575

Crisis Text Line (24/7 service that provides support through text for ANY type of crisis): 741741

For more crisis resources, see the Health and Safety section of this page.

Building Bright Futures:

NCSS Parent Child Center:

Vermont Family Network:

Let’s Grow Kids:

Help Me Grow, Vermont:

Find & Go Seek:

Kids VT:

Reading is Fundamental:

Childcare Information System:

Safe Space

Free and confidential services to LGTBQ+ survivors of any kind of abuse or violence.

Voices Against Violence

Free and confidential crisis intervention, support, and advocacy for survivors of domestic or sexual violence/abuse.

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention


Household Products Database Health and safety information on household products.

Medline Plus Trusted health information from the U.S. National Library of Medicine.

National Center for Complementary and Integrative Health


Vermont State Housing Authority

Vermont Emergency Rental Assistance Program-find help paying rent, past-due balances, utilities, and other housing expenses.

Samaritan House

Emergency shelter and transitional housing for families and individuals in Franklin and Grand Isle Counties.

Vermont Department of Children and Families Directory

State directory of benefits and services for children and families. This includes food, energy, childcare, and much more.

3 Squares Vermont

Help buying food and groceries.

Vermont Food Pantries

Directory of Vermont food pantries in different areas.

Internet Essentials: Internet for low-income households

Green Mountain Transit 

Offers bus transport and special options like Volunteer Community Drivers. Call 802-527-2181 for help planning a bus ride, to learn about special travel options, or to become a volunteer driver. Bikes accepted on all Green Mountain Transit and LINK buses.

Center for Disease Control and Prevention – Emergency Preparedness & Response Getting prepared; types of emergencies including chemical, natural disasters, and disease; lab information; clinician resources; training and education.

Central, online location for all forms of federal disaster assistance. Register with FEMA and other federal agencies, redirect Social Security benefits to new address, access federal student loan account information.

FEMA – Federal Emergency Management Agency

Information about disasters, emergency personnel, education and training, where to obtain assistance, and a special section for kids.

The Ready Campaign asks individuals to do three things to prepare for the unexpected: be informed, make a plan, and get a kit. Information for senior citizens, people with disabilities, and pet owners.

Disaster Distress Hotline

SAMHSA’s Disaster Distress Helpline provides crisis counseling and support to people experiencing emotional distress related to natural or human-caused disasters.

MedlinePlus – Disaster Preparation and Recovery

Includes resources for children and information on specific disasters and emergencies. Multiple Languages – Disaster Preparation and Recovery

 for materials in Arabic, Chinese, French, Spanish, and more.

National Library of Medicine – Disaster Information Management Research Center

Provides access to quality disaster health information at all stages of preparation, response, mitigation and recovery.

National Library of Medicine’s Enviro-Health Links

St. Albans Free Library  802-524-1507

Highgate Library & Community Center  802-868-3970

H.F. Brigham Free Library  802-827-4414

Montgomery Town Library  802-326-3113

Enosburgh Public Library  802-933-2328

Arvin A. Brown Library  802-848-3313

Fairfax Community Library  802-849-2420

Sheldon Municipal Library  802-933-2524 x206

Bent Northrop Memorial Library  802-827-3945

Swanton Public Library  802-868-7656

Haston Library  802-285-6505

Georgia Public Library  802-524-4643

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Franklin Grand Isle Bookmobile