Bringing Books and Stories for Everyone

Summer is here! For many of us that means fun in the sun at the beach, hiking, picnics and barbeques. For many kids that means day camps and sometimes sleep away camps. What does that mean for the bookmobile? SUMMER READING! This summer we will be participating in the Tales and Tails summer reading program many of the libraries in our communities are also participating in. 

What does summer reading mean? Reading in the summer is a departure for many of us who tend to read things that are heavier in the colder months. Summer stories are different for everyone but for many are different in the way they are told or their subject matter. For kids and youth it means reading what interests them instead of assigned reading. Summer is a time to explore interests and books that will encourage students to use their skills. The freedom of choosing what to read will contribute to the strengthening of their reading skills.

Why is summer reading important? Many teachers and some parents will talk about summer slide. This is when the child forgets some of what they learned the previous school year. Youth who do not read over the summer can lose almost three months of reading comprehension. Encouraging kids to read over the summer is important to being ready for school. Over the course of time, students will continue to fall behind their peers and by sixth grade may be two grade levels below their peers. Summer reading can help the child use and retain the information through the summer and prepare them for new information in September. 

If you have a reluctant reader, the activities that often go along with summer reading can help them become interested in reading. Activities that support and connect to the book being read often engage reluctant readers in ways that just reading cannot. Activities that are varied will encourage kids to use their imagination, creativity, and reinforce their skills. This reinforcement is what is important in any summer reading and activities which will help reduce the summer slide. 

Having access to books and stories is the most important part of reading. The bookmobile will help fill the gap by bringing books and story time to families and daycares throughout the year. Reading 4-6 books through the course of the summer will help maintain your child’s current reading level and be ready for the new school year. Reading together can also help grow the bond between you and your child. Reading at home can help students be successful in other areas of their life. If your child sees you reading they are more likely to read themselves. A strategy to try is to have quiet time and read either together or separately but together.

This summer we are partnering with community organizations to bring more books to more people! We are excited for summer reading! We have books and stories about amazing animals for all ages. Franklin Grand Isle Bookmobile invites your children to join our book bingo and win some fun summer reading prizes. Anyone can participate! Just download the bingo board and keep track of your summer reading. We are also doing events throughout the counties with fun activities like making garden ornaments, and learning about homeless pets in Franklin County. Check out our events page to see what we are up to this summer.

Franklin Grand Isle Bookmobile