Bringing Books and Stories for Everyone

At the moment we are unable to provide services in light of the Stay at home, Stay Safe order from Governor Scott. While we are quarantined and practicing social distancing we are busy getting prepared to get on the road again. During the Covid-19 quarantine we want to share some recommended resources for parents and families who are home just like us. There are many online places to find activities to do with your children and these only represent a few. We will update this list as new resources become available.

Talking to your kids about Covid-19 https://to.pbs.org/3bgT9LQ

Reading Resources

Tumble Books https://bit.ly/2Xmgvvt
Harry Potter at Home https://bit.ly/2X7LxXZ
Alcove 9: An Annotated list of Reference sites https://bit.ly/3bMFT1D
Essays, Research Papers, and Term Papers https://bit.ly/3aE0q8r
Audible Stories https://stories.audible.com/start-listen
Junior Library Guild https://bit.ly/2US21lo

Movement Resources

GoNoodle Good Energy https://bit.ly/2JRMPhT
Cosmic Kids Yoga Adventures https://bit.ly/3bZFrgz

Nutrition Resources

CATCH Health at Home https://bit.ly/34mnYMy

Franklin Grand Isle Bookmobile